
Happy Birthday, Bradley!

Wow! My baby is 10 years old today. In so many ways I think of him as so much older, but in some ways, he is still my sweet little baby. Before long he will be driving, dating, and going to college. Both of us are so excited to be going to New York City this week. Many, many thanks to Mimi and Pawpaw Russ for inviting us, and to Rick for letting us go. A feel a bit guilty about not taking Ella, but she is such a handful right now, and she wouldn't remember it any way. Her turn will be here before you know it! We will be making a cake later and taking some pictures, so I'll post them (sometime). I wish I was better (or more expedient) at this blogging thing!


Bradley was the last one to wake up this morning, so the rest of the Jackson 4 jumped on his bed to wish him a happy birthday. Then we talked about making his cake and opening presents, and I said he could open up one of his presents first thing. Then Ella said "How about the football?" :)


Dixie said...

Bradley, Happy Birthday Bud....I hope you have an excellent day! Wish I could be there too.

Love and Hugs !!!
Mimi D

Madelyn said...

Happy Birthday Bradley!!! We love you sooooo much,dude. Have an awesome time in New York!

Aunt G, Uncle Ryan, Delaney, Maddy, and Sophie

Anonymous said...


We hope you have a fabulous birthday and awesome trip to the Big Apple! Can't wait to hear all about it!

You are now A DECADE! WOW! (say it backwards - WOW!)

Aunt Sindey, Uncle Joel, Elise and Michele

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Brad.
love Aunt Retta and Uncle Carroll