
Viva, Las Vegas!!

So, a week ago Friday, I walk out the front door, arms full of school lunch boxes and book bags, and I notice that this strange pair of earphones are on the middle seat of the truck (I walked up to the passenger side). I'm thinking, where did those come from? Did Rick leave those for me for some reason? Then my focus widened and I noticed the glass everywhere. I walked around to the driver's side of the truck, and found this. Normally this would have been upsetting, but I'm so jaded now that it was almost routine to call the (useless) Henderson Police department, only because I "needed" the police report number to turn into the (soon to be dropping the Jackson 4 like hot potatoes) State Farm insurance company. Before Rick even made it home from the Dam, I had already spoken to State Farm, and their subsidiary company that handles all "glass repair", scheduled the repair, typed up all the important "claim" and "police report" numbers, and printed out mapquest for the repair company.

This is how my "also jaded" kids handled the stress of the breakage; relaxing and watching cartoons.

At least I got the opportunity to take pictures of the kids fifth (I missed the first through fourth) day of school!

1 comment:

suse said...

other than the glass damage, what was taken? they could have at least cleaned out (the Cheetos) the truck for you.

Isn't time to come home?