
Ella - 18 months old

Almost, anyways - she'll be 18 months old Friday. We found a really good pediatrician - Lisa Glasser, but noone can replace Dr. Wood. He is a gift from God!

Ella's stats:

Weight - 26 lbs 5 oz - 75th percentile
Height - 34 inches - 97th percentile
Head - 19.25 inches - 97th percentile

Dr. Glasser says Ella is as tall as the average 25 month old! Also, Dr. Glasser says Ella should definitely use sunscreen and that the Jackson 4 are lucky to be pale because it's much healthier than being tan. That's what I'll keep reminding her when she realizes that she's doomed to a life of paleness - tan may look better, but pale is healthier! Bradley is really healthy, too - but needs to drink less juice and eat more vegetables. He wasn't real happy to hear that (or the part about only 2 hours of xbox/tv combined a day)! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

furrfamily said...

She is just adorable. Glad to hear you found a good doctor! Ani does not eat vegetables either. We started giving her the V-8 Splash juice and the new V-8 Fusion which both have vegetables in them. It might be a good compromise!